Sunday, July 11, 2010

Whale Watching

July 11, 2010

We took a Whale Watching cruise out of Redcliffe and sailed to Moreton Bay.

Our boat captain was Kerry Lopez, the only female captain of a whale watching vessel in the southern hemisphere. Check out her photo at Every boat captain I have ever seen leans casually against their boat, too.

Abby before the boat ride out to Moreton Bay.

Abby during the boat ride.

Poor little Abby after she threw up all over the table and her Dad. The ride out there was so very rocky. Chris and I both took 2 Dramamine. The kind we had was only for children over 5 years, so we did not give Abby any. If your child says, "My tummy feels ticklish", run for the barf bag. It was like the scene in Stand By Me, people were throwing up at the tables, in the toilets, off the side and in the trash can right next to the sumptuous lunch buffet. So appetizing. After Abby chucked up, she went to sleep and then we were able to see the spectacular humpback whales. We saw many pods and they really seemed to be interacting with the boat. Truly Amazing.

It was so hard to get good photos, as the whales breach (jump) so fast. Chris did a great job.

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