Monday, June 21, 2010


June 21st to June 23rd 2010

Abby and I went with Karen and Marcus to Sydney.

The cousins in Darling Harbor

Sydney Aquarium in Darling Harbor

Weird eels


We must have taken about 10 pictures before we finally got one with her and the fish

The colors of the sea life were extraordinary

Abby on a stuffed Dugong

While we were there, the World Cup was going on and they had these huge screens set up to broadcast the Australian soccer games.

You may wonder why Karen is sleeping with her purse. Is she afraid we will steal her money? The strangest thing happened to us when we approached the elevator in our hotel. The tile floor in front of the elevator started buckling. It looked like something pushed the tiles up from underneath. There were about 8 tiles that came up. I pulled Karen back onto the carpet, thinking that we'd be safe. We called downstairs to report it. Karen slept with her purse just in case the building came crashing down and we had to make a run for it.

Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Harbor Bridge

Abby listening to the tour guide.

There are over 1 million tiles that cover the outside of the opera house. They alternate between cream and white, but from a distance they all look white.

Circular Quay

I'm not sure what they were looking at, but Abby loves anything that Marcus does.

Abby loves her Mama Karen

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