Saturday, April 17, 2010



We now know that our buildings fire alarm system functions in our apartment. At 6:30 am the fire alarm goes off throughout the building, so I carry Abby and my purse and the passports and walk down 21 flights of stairs. Turns out it was a faulty sensor.

Later that afternoon, Chris went golfing and Ches, Abby and I took the train out to Shorncliffe in search of a beach. We get closer this time. The water is muddy and the sand is brown, but Abby had a blast. She got soaked and from now on I will be a good mommy and remember to bring her swimsuit and sand toys.

While we were playing, a woman was walking her dog down on the beach and she let him off the leash. He was running, jumping the waves and having a great time. I look over at the dog and I notice he is circling in the water, the way dogs do when nature calls. He pulls a Marley and poops right in the water. I am doubling over in laughter and the woman notices and calls out "Sorry". This kind of casual apology is very typical here in Australia. They don't get bent out of shape about much. They really do say," No worries".

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